Top Notch Michelin Star Fundraisers’ Dinner

Top Notch Michelin Star Fundraisers’ Dinner


Possibly the ‘Best Ever’ Inaugural Event … (comment from attendee)


A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved in the resounding success of the ‘Michelin Star Fundraisers’ Dinner’ at Cranbrook School on Thursday 9 November. The event’s delivery style and location provided a safe space for meaningful networking, idea sharing, and fostering connections. In particular, the walk around Cranbrook’s impressive new facilities was truly appreciated by all who attended.

The success of this gathering suggests a replicable format for other key areas like Admissions, Alumni & Community Relations, Marketing and Communications. 

Kudos to the exceptional team effort led by Cameron Torrance and Rebecca Curran from Cranbrook, supported extensively by Hannah Atwell from St Andrew’s College, in the planning and execution of the event. This ensured a lasting impression on attendees, from seasoned practitioners to newcomers, with many new networking connections made amongst attendees―such a wonderful trademark of the Educate Plus offering.

As the term unfolds (or unravels!), we extend our best wishes and look forward to reconnecting at the Educate Plus AGM and Christmas event. The Michelin Star dinner was a testament to meticulous planning, creating an opportunity for diverse collaboration.

Thank you all for your contributions to this remarkable evening. Here’s to future collaborations and continued success!