Frailty Nexus

Frailty Nexus

By Benignus Logan

The Frailty Nexus is an initiative of the Australian Frailty Network (AFN), led by Professor Ruth Hubbard. It was established as a peer support group for those with an interest in frailty research, including research students and early-career academics. It aims to build capacity in multidisciplinary and translational frailty research through networking, a monthly learning event, and a library of shared resources.

In alignment with AFN’s values of inclusion and collaboration, membership is open to anyone who wishes to join us. We already have many trainees and geriatricians as members.

The next Learning Link-Up (the monthly learning event from Frailty Nexus) will run on Wednesday 18th October from 3-4pm (AEST; Brisbane time). The session is being presented by Dr Kristiana Ludlow, and is entitled: “Masterclass: Fundamentals of qualitative research”. It is for anyone curious about the world of qualitative research. and will cover:

  •  Myth busting: addressing misconceptions about qualitative research
  • Common qualitative data collection methods and analyses
  • A guide to analysing qualitative data (using inductive content analysis, reflective thematic analysis, and codebook thematic analysis)
  • Reflections on conducting qualitative research with people living with frailty 

Prior events have included “How to get that grant”, “Behind the evidence: Critical analysis of emerging Frailty literature (Anti-amyloid monoclonal antibodies for Alzheimer’s disease: Spotlight on donanemab)”, and “Implementation Science”.

Sign up as a member and receive access to past recordings, invitations to all future events, and request a diary invite for the next Learning Link-Up. 

Further information, and answers to any questions, can be found by emailing Benignus Logan at