College Principal

College Principal

As the term draws to a close and we approach Holy Week, we reflect on Jesus’ death and the celebration of joy that comes with his resurrection on Easter Sunday. It is a time that offers hope, new life, and the assurance that God never abandons us. We are challenged to…

Dates to remember

5 April
Term 1 concludes
6 April
Holy Thursday
School Office closed
7 April
Good Friday
10 April
Easter Monday
25 April
Anzac Day
26 April
Term 2 commences
4 May
College Discovery Day Tour
Santa Sabina College
11 May
Mother's Day Mass and Breakfast 7:30am Year 5-12
Santa Sabina College P-12
Mother's Day Mass and Breakfast 9:15am P- Year 4
Santa Sabina College P-4
19 June
Gala Concert
Sydney Town Hall