Religious Education news

O most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing,
I adore you, I love you and with a lively sorrow for my sins.
I offer you this  heart of mine.
Make me humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to your will.
Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in you and for you.
Protect me in the midst of danger; comfort me in my afflictions;
give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs,
your blessings on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death.
Within your heart I place my every care.
Heart of Jesus, help me.

Fransican Media

The month of June is dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus. In the Sacred Heart, we see that God’s heart is consumed with love for us – so much so that He was willing to suffer and die for us. The Sacred Heart teaches us that true love, while sometimes difficult, is life giving. Hence why we often focus on those less fortunate than ourselves during this Feast Day.

This month falls within the liturgical season of Ordinary Time, which is represented by the liturgical colour green. This symbol of hope is the colour of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven, especially the hope of a glorious resurrection. It is used in the offices and Masses of Ordinary Time.

Sacramental Program of First Communion

In the sacrament of Holy Communion, we remember what Jesus did for us in his life, death and resurrection. We remember particularly the Last Supper, that final meal Jesus shared with his disciples. At that meal, Jesus gave us the Eucharist so that we could remember Him in a special way. When we receive Communion, we believe that we receive the person of Jesus into our very beings. We become one with Him, and we become one with each other. As a community, we become ‘the body of Christ’

 We pray for our students who have received the Sacrament of First Communion during the last few weeks or will be receiving the sacrament over the holidays.

Tina Nicotina
Religious Education Coordinator P-6, Acting Co-Assistant to the Head of Primary Campus P-4 and Year 3 teacher