Enrichment ‘Little Big Idea’

Students in enrichment from Kindergarten to Year 4 have been working very hard this term and have been learning about inventions. Inspired by the ‘Little Big Idea’ by Origin energy, students have been learning about: what an inventor does, the process of inventing and have been exploring various inventions. Students were asked to think about real-world problems that either: they, their family, communities or society on a global level experience, that could be solved by an invention. Their invention could assist the problem by making it more efficient, faster, stronger or safer. 

Students were encouraged to believe in their imagination and to think creatively. To help facilitate their invention process students drew diagrams of their inventions and have explained why they created it and how it works. One little idea is all it takes! Students’ work will be on display in the library during the last week of the term. 

Caddie Ruster
Gifted Education Coordinator P-4