International Women’s Day (IWD), on March 8, is a day when the world places a strategic focus on celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women toward achieving a more gender equal world. Incredible progress has been made in this space. This has been as a result of generations of strong, determined women and men who understand that inclusion and equality is a basic human right and that a more equal world benefits society as a whole, socially and economically.

Our students are fortunate to experience the naturally empowering all girls’ environment, encouraging them to truly dare to imagine their future. They are more confident in using their education to embrace every opportunity, take their seat at the table of life and use their voice to effect change that is for the betterment of all.

This year the IWD theme is Break the Bias and poses the idea that we should all take greater responsibility to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements, and challenge the conscious and unconscious bias on gender equality. Break the Bias demands that we challenge our own perspectives, thoughts and actions and in those around us. In our College, we regularly remind our students that empowered women, empower other women. They are encouraged to believe in themselves and those around them. As key role models, our teachers and staff demonstrate in behaviour, word, and action that we always seek to lift up our female peers, celebrating their strengths.


We are so excited to open our gates to families who would like to explore our campus, meet our teachers and experience for themselves our Mercy hospitality, love, and joy. Enrolments for Year 7, 2023, are still open at this stage; however, places are very limited. I would encourage our existing families to please contact the College as soon as possible to secure a place for their daughter if they are due to start high school in either 2023 or 2024.


As expected, our community continues to be impacted by the current COVID-19 situation and isolation requirements. Since the return of school on 7 February, both students and staff, under the direction of Queensland Health, have found themselves having to isolate at home due to either testing positive to COVID-19 or being identified as a close contact of someone in their household. Students who find themselves in this situation, and who feel well enough, are encouraged to use our College Learning Hub to access work being covered in class. Any concerns about subject work are best directed to the teacher in the first instance. Parents/Guardians are reminded to use the normal absence procedures if their daughter is required to isolate at home.

I recently communicated with families to reiterate that our College has a COVID-19 Risk & Outbreak Management Plan in place that ensures we are following all best practice processes to assess and manage risk in a school setting. I would like to thank all of our families for their patience and understanding due to this dynamic situation.

Our College remains committed to supporting our families at this difficult time and would encourage any member of our community to make contact so we can see how we can assist.  

May God bless you and your families.

Amber Hauff