John 10:27-30

27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never be lost and no one will ever steal them from me.  29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than everyone]; no one can steal from the Father. 30 The Father and I are one.”

The Gospel of the Lord


Many thousands of years ago in Jesus’ time, in ancient history many people worked as shepherds. The people who heard Jesus tell this story long ago would have known what shepherds do and would understand how much work it takes to care for sheep. Sheep were important as sources of wool, milk, and meat, and throughout the Bible, sheep served as symbols for God’s people. 

It is a fact that sheep will respond only their shepherd’s voice. They will not follow the voice of a stranger. So, when Jesus compares himself to a shepherd and says, “My sheep hear my voice; I know them and they will follow me,” it means we have complete faith that our shepherd will not lead us astray. Voices who speak the words of Jesus for us today are our parents, friends, teachers and staff.

Another quality of a good shepherd is that they know their sheep. The shepherd must look at each one carefully, noticing all that is unique and different about them. The Good Shepherd says that the sheep will never be lost. This means that they will take care of flock’s every need. They will make sure they have good food and clean water, which will keep them strong and healthy.

The message of this parable is that Jesus is the true shepherd and always has been and always will be. He is the Good Shepherd who was willing to die for those who put their faith in Him. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who cares, watches, and protects those who believe in Him. This is a wonderful message for anyone who seeks peace with God.

Ms Andrews




Lead by Elizabeth Shaju, the McAuley Ministry members collaborated through weeks 3 and 4 to engage and deliver the gospel in a creative manner. Two special guests LuLu and Rufus our sheep and lamb were delighted to attend the Assembly on Wednesday week 3 to share the Gospel of the Good Shepherd. 

We will be offering Eucharistic Minister Training for any students and staff interested at the beginning of next term (we are still finalising dates). This training allows you to assist in delivering the Holy Communion during Masses. To be a part of this special opportunity you need to be at least 16 years of age and have completed all your Sacraments. The training will go for the duration of approximately an hour.

More information will be sent out in the coming weeks! Please let us know if you may be interested.


Mercy Girls in Action are excited to launch the Fashion Friday drive which is to be held in week 8. Can you believe our clothing consumption has increased by 400% in the last 35 years? It would take 12 years to recycle what a fast fashion retailer sell in 48 hours. One garbage truck of clothing is landfilled every second. Op-Shops and Vinnies have had to stop clothing donations as there is too much to process. When consumers throw away clothing in the garbage, not only does it waste money and resources, but it can take 200+ years for the materials to decompose in a landfill. During the decomposition process, textiles generate greenhouse methane gas and leach toxic chemicals and dyes into the groundwater and our soil. Through buying second hand and sustainable fashion you are helping protect our earth and contribute to live out Laudato Si the call to protect our Earth shared by Pope Francis. 

In three weeks’ time, Mercy Girls in Action will run a Fashion Friday sale later in the term ready for CAMP. All funds go towards Vinnies. Please keep your donations and bring them into school in week 7. Donations are to be taken to the Director of Missions office in week 7, but not earlier. Please donate any clothing suitable for camp wear.

“Warm-Up for the Ukraine” Fundraiser.

As a way of assisting and serving others our Mercy Girls in Action will be serving hot chocolate on Friday, 27 May.  All funds raised will go towards the Emergency Ukraine Appeal which is an Australian Catholic organisation raising money for the Ukraine.


We congratulate Elyse Adebahr for her consistent commitment to the MGIA team throughout this year. She received the Golden rose this week for living out the Mercy Values and serving others. Well done, Elyse. All new members are welcome to attend Mercy Girls in Action in A14 Wednesday.

Have a lovely day and remember, every girl is a Mercy Girl. 

Ms Veukiso