Research shows that family expectations and aspirations have a substantial impact on student outcomes in the secondary schooling years. Family-led, home-based aspects of parent engagement, such as providing a general atmosphere and environment for learning, have more impact than parents having direct involvement in the content of young people’s schoolwork. We understand that families are busy and the majority of both parents work full time and have various commitments to balance. However, effective and positive parent engagement is still possible without physically being able to help out at events.

Parents are strongly encouraged to take a genuine and close interest in the work of the College and engage as partners in their daughter’s learning. We encourage our parents/guardians to keep open lines of communication with Heads of House and subject teachers about their daughter’s learning and wellbeing seeking to understand how they can best support the healthy development of their daughter’s academic progress, resilience and confidence.

Our College ethos, values and expectations for both students and staff are firmly centred on respect for oneself, for peers and for College property. In keeping with this, we also welcome, encourage and expect that respectful and caring relationships are reflected in the ways in which staff, students and parents/guardians interact with one another and in the language they use in both formal and informal settings.

We pride ourselves on being a school that is highly responsive and open to feedback and respectful communication surrounding ways we can improve the learning experience and outcomes for young women. If you do have suggestions or skills/resources that can assist the College, we welcome your feedback.

Mr Cameran Triffett