King Tut visits the College

King Tut visits the College

On Friday 27 October, our Year 7 History students embarked on a fascinating journey into the world of ancient civilizations.
The Tutankhamun Roadshow brought history to life. Our girls were fully engaged in a series of enriching activities that allowed them to step back in time, including:
  • Exploring ancient pottery: Imagine handling pottery pieces that have withstood the test of time for 2,000 to 4,000 years!
  • Creating ancient seals: The girls tapped into their creativity, crafting their own seals with clay, just as the ancients did. It was a hands-on experience they won’t forget.
  • Ancient Sumerian writing: Students learned to write their names in ancient Sumerian script, which was not only educational but also a lot of fun. They even crafted their own shopping lists using this fascinating script.
  • The “Tut Truck” adventure: The most exciting part of the day was undoubtedly the visit to the “Tut Truck.” Inside, our students explored three rooms filled with ancient artefacts and captivating multimedia presentations. 
It was an experience through time students will remember for years to come.
Sylvia Melas
Assistant HSIE Coordinator