Peaceful Kids Program

Peaceful Kids Program

We will be running the ‘Peaceful Kids’ Program with Year 7 students in Terms 1 & 2. Please let your daughter’s Year Coordinator know if you are interested in this program for your child.

The ‘Peaceful Kids’ program is a Mindfulness and Positive Psychology based program to lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children. This program helps children to build their emotional resilience, so they are better equipped to deal with the day-to-day stresses that life brings them. The program also involves parental involvement and commitment to supporting the strategies at home.

Please see the website for more information

The aims of Peaceful Kids include:
  • To minimise the symptoms of anxiety and stress.
  • To build emotional resilience.
  • To empower children to self-manage their anxiety.
  • To teach children mindfulness exercises they can use for life.
  • To build a reservoir of ‘strength’ to enable children to cope with life more effectively.
  • To minimise anxiety symptoms occurring in the future.
  • To teach children to use a range of effective coping strategies.
  • To teach children to self-calm.
  • To develop emotional intelligence skills.
  • To teach children life-long skills to manage stress and prevent stress build up.
  • To support children so that they know they are not alone suffering from anxiety.
Program structure:

Peaceful Kids is an 8 week program for a small group of primary or secondary aged children.
A group of selected children participate each week.
Sessions are for approximately 1 hour each week.
Sessions include learning a range of mindfulness strategies, mediations and positive psychology exercises.
The group works effectively with approximately 6-8 kids participating.

Children learn about:
  • Basic theory on mindfulness and how it affects the brain and lessens stress and anxiety.
  • The different ways to practice mindfulness and integrate it into their lives.
  • Their feelings and how this relates to anxiety and stress levels.
  • Understanding anxiety and how it relates personally to them.
  • Understanding triggers for stress and how to calm down when feeling stressed.
  • Physical symptoms of stress and anxiety and learning to identify when they need to take time out to calm themselves.
  • Worrying and how it affects their happiness.
  • Different types of thinking that increase or lessen anxiety.
  • Noticing their own self-talk and how this affects worrying and stress levels.
  • Creating a balanced lifestyle including chill out time and being in the flow.
Georgina Watney
College Counsellor