Year 11 Roughtober Sleepout

Year 11 Roughtober Sleepout

Over 80 of our Year 11 students have signed up this year to participate in the Youth Roughtober Sleepout, happening this Friday 20 October. This is an awareness and fundraising event for Rough Edges, a drop in café for people who are living in vulnerable and at-risk situations to have a place where they can belong, get food, and develop a sense of community with other people each night. Rough Edges relies very much on the fundraising efforts to sustain its vital services in Darlinghurst. You can read about the ways in which this service helps people rebuild their lives and treat patrons with dignity through the love and care shown by those serving and volunteering at the café here

We hope that you will help support our Year 11s who are sleeping rough at St John’s in Darlinghurst through a donation to our SCEGGS Darlinghurst Roughtober fundraiser page.

We thank you for your generosity and support of this important and life changing service. I am very proud of the Year 11s who have embraced this fundraising initiative so enthusiastically and have shown great commitment to giving back to our local community.

Dynielle Whitney
Head of Religious Education & Social Justice Coordinator