Women In Science

Women In Science

As part of International Women’s Day in the Secondary School, the Science Department held some Women in Science celebrations.  We noted that, according to UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics, less than 30% of the world’s researchers are women and studies have found that women in STEM fields are paid less for their research, publish less and do not progress as far as men in their careers. 

To highlight the amazing contributions that women have made to science, students completed a Kahoot in Form Class that included SCEGGS Old Girls, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women of science and other Australian and internationally recognised women currently working in a broad range of scientific fields such as hair/blood tests for cancer, studying the evolution of galaxies, aerospace engineering and the invention of Kevlar for bullet-proof vests. If you would like to test your knowledge, please feel free to play here.

Over the last week, students have enjoyed showing how they are also Women in Science, taking self-portraits of themselves and pinning them up on a board displayed in the Joan Freeman Science, Art and Technology Centre. This created much laughter and enjoyment as students demonstrated their love for science, and especially for white lab coats and scientific instruments!

The celebrations will be culminating in a Lab Coat Artwork competition, where students can submit artwork designs for lab coats that will be worn (and admired!) by SCEGGS student scientists. If you have any last-minute entries, please submit them ASAP. We will keep you updated on the winners!

Also, a big shout-out to all the Senior Science students who demonstrated excellent leadership skills and helped with organising the events to make them run smoothly.

It has been impressive to see the enthusiasm and learning that has occurred, and it is hoped that celebrations such as this can help to inspire the next generation of women scientists.

Mia Sharma
Science Teacher