Student Wellbeing Survey 2023

Student Wellbeing Survey 2023

Student wellbeing must always be a key priority area for all schools! For more than 20 years, we have felt that a key part of this focus means creating opportunities for the girls to tell us in their own words about their relationships with peers and their social and emotional wellbeing more generally. We want to continue to strengthen our wellbeing programs to ensure that our students feel cared for and have a strong sense of belonging to the school community overall, and are given the skills to live a productive and flourishing life, knowing what is important and how to look after themselves and their friends. We want to understand what worries our students and how we can best support them to respond to the tricky parts of their lives. While the specific focus areas of each biennial survey have grown and changed over time, our commitment to hearing from the girls directly has not!

With this in mind, we again commissioned IPSOS (our market research firm) last year to administer our Student Wellbeing Survey to all students in Year 4-12, and to analyse the results for us. Many of the focus areas in our survey are informed by the trends and data provided by Australian youth wellbeing questionnaires, such as the Mission Australia Youth Survey, as well as our own day to day experiences with the girls. In the 2023 wave, we asked about their health and wellbeing, their friendships, their sleep patterns, their school life, their peer relations and what concerns them about being a member of our school community. We also wanted to evaluate the implementation of our anti-bullying policy by asking a series of questions about bullying in the school, and also wanting to evaluate which of our policies and activities have been most successful in making the school a safe place for our students.

It is also important to us to share the results of this survey with our community. So after each wave, usually every second year, we report the findings of this survey in this newsletter, and make changes to our policies and procedures to try to ensure that our students are safe and happy at school.  

To see an analysis of the results, please click here.

Best wishes
Jenny Allum