“Shoot for the Stars” Film Festival

“Shoot for the Stars” Film Festival

During Term 1, the Year 10 Information and Software Technology class, has been working on the unit Digital Media. As part of this unit the students have created their own cartoon animations and special effects videos using the industry standard products of Adobe Animate and After Effects.

The students have learnt a variety of techniques including key-framing, the use of chroma key, masking, layering and applying special effects. They experimented with Character Animator to produce animated puppets as well as using 3D programs to create props for their films. Students then had approximately 2 weeks to design and produce each animation and video. The animations were to be between 10 to 30 seconds in length, whereas the special effects could be upto 1 minute long. Each clip was to incorporate the motif of “Star”. Their animation clips saw many variations on celestial stars, while the students interpreted the theme quite differently within their video clips.

Over the last few weeks they have worked together to promote their Film Festival, designing promotional posters, building a website to display their work and creating a loop for the TAS TV in the Joan Freeman foyer. The website allows you to vote for the “People’s Choice Award” so we encourage you to go to here to view their work and to vote for your favourite cartoon and movie clip. Voting will close on Monday 19 June.

Anne Rumpler
Computing Teacher