Science News

Science News

Inter-House Science Competition

Last Wednesday, twelve girls from each House participated in the popular annual Inter-House Science competition, sitting on mats on the floor of the sports hall to battle it out over four rounds of questions.

The wide variety of topics ensured that all members of the groups had a chance to show off their unique skill sets and share things they’d been learning in class: I was amazed when a girl in my group knew off the top of her head where the Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales intersected.

In accordance with this year’s theme of Innovation: Powering Future Industries, many of the questions related to inventions, especially uniquely Australian inventions which were fascinating to discover. The Science Department’s creative spirit shone through in questions like “Which scientist needs lancing?” (Robert Boyle) or “Who was Neil Diamond before he was put under pressure?” (Neil Coal), which required a healthy dose of critical thinking and teamwork to piece together. The audience was the largest we’ve seen since before COVID, and it was so exciting to see girls from a range of year groups competing for chocolate while playing heads or tails.

The winners of the Super Science Bake Off were also announced, with prizes such as Science Oven Mitts, Science Cookie Cutters and other science-themed prizes.

Thank you to everyone who attended and to the Science Department for such an amazing event, and congratulations to both Langley teams who won the competition!

Jemima Louie Smith
Year 12