SCEGGS Girls: Local and Global Opportunities

SCEGGS Girls: Local and Global Opportunities

Part of a SCEGGS education is offering students opportunities to learn life skills beyond the classroom. These experiences are designed to inspire and challenge and are offered across a variety of subject areas and cultural disciplines. While the pandemic prevented these over the last two years, we are now able to get school trips (international and domestic) back up and running. To give families an idea of what is on the horizon, we have prepared the following table. Obviously, the further away the timeframe, the less certain are the plans, but we hope this is helpful information.

Other opportunities during Term time and weekends include the annual Years 10 – 11 Visual Arts Camp to Bundanon, usually held on a weekend in early Term 3 and the French Exchange for Year 10 students whereby SCEGGS students go to France for six weeks during the summer holidays and students from France come here at the end of Term 2 for six weeks. Also in the pipeline are trips to Melbourne for an Upper Primary Choral/Band/Strings Tour and a Years 7 – 9 Drama Tour in 2024.

Further details about each opportunity will be provided closer to the date.