Primary School STEM/Coding Club

Primary School STEM/Coding Club

This term, our budding innovators in Years 3 to 6 have been diving into the fascinating world of technology and coding. STEM/Coding Club convenes on Monday afternoons (Years 5-6) and Thursday afternoons (Years 3-4). We’re exploring the Micro:bit – a pocket-sized computer capable of LED displays, light and motion detection, and sound production. The Primary students love it! So far, they have utilised their burgeoning coding skills to create their own digital name tags, display ‘beating heart’ animations, a fitness step counter and have even coded a digital Rock, Paper, Scissors game using the block-based coding system, Microsoft MakeCode.



We are now working on designing prototypes addressing real-world issues. The Years 5 and 6 girls have been developing a Fitness Friend which helps remind people to do regular exercise to help combat the high levels of heart disease present in Australian people. The Years 3 and 4 girls are designing light-up fishing nets to tackle the problem of bycatch (unwanted fish and other marine creatures trapped by commercial fishing nets). The girls have come up with some fantastic designs already.

STEM/Coding Club will be offered again in Term 2 for an exciting journey into Lego robotics!


Emma Spencer
STEM/Coding Club Coordinator