Music Matters

Music Matters

It was lovely to hear the beautiful singing from members of the choir who were at school last Thursday 14 May.  Ms Allison Harrigan directed students from the choir to sing the hymn “Praise My Soul the King of Heaven” which was recorded as part of the video message from the school to Old Girls for Ascension Day.  The choir was accompanied by Mr Kurt Ison on the chapel organ.  The students also sang the school song “Girls of the Grammar School” which would also be featured in the video. It was wonderful to have music fill the chapel space again. Thank you to Ms Harrigan, Mr Ison and the members of the choir who sang that day.

Week 5 Co-curricular Rehearsals

After many weeks of online rehearsals, we would like to venture back to ‘face to face’ musical engagement with our ensembles. We will continue to reflect about the operations of our ensembles and we will communicate any changes as soon as we can.

Communication will be sent from Mr Peter Jewitt with regards to the venues and rehearsal times. If you have any concerns with the arrangements, please email Mr Jewitt, Ensembles Co-ordinator.

Onsite Zoom Instrumental or Vocal Lessons

To help maintain the regularity of lesson, Secondary students may come down to the Diana Bowman studios to have online lessons with their tutors.  Tutors must inform the Music Department with the names of students and the time of the lessons.  Students will be supervised by a member of the Music staff during their lesson. 

Pauline Chow
Head of Music