HSC Design & Technology Major Design Project Exhibition

HSC Design & Technology Major Design Project Exhibition

Congratulations to the Year 12 Design and Technology students of 2022

Last Wednesday night’s HSC Design and Technology Major Design Project Exhibition was a celebration of every student who had endeavoured to explore and resolve human issues and environmental challenges in truly unique ways.

The innovative Year 12 projects that lined the Joan Freeman Foyer showcased a breadth of contemporary design talent. Featuring architectural, textile and object designs centred around social, ethical, and sustainable issues.

Their empathetic approach towards creating meaningful, inclusive designs was honourable and further solidified that this generation is especially aware of the impact of designing and producing on society and the environment. Each student meticulously analysed and researched their individual issue, utilising creative and critical thinking skills to come up with some remarkable solutions.

The exhibition exemplified their fierce determination and countless hours they poured into the production phase of these projects and the results were truly impressive!

The future looks bright with these creative minds on their way.

Caroline O’Sullivan
Head of TAS

Maevie McEvoy
TAS Assistant