Go Greener

Go Greener

Mobile Muster

Planet Ark has been organising National Recycling Week since 1996. This occurred last week, and we used the screens around the school and the Vivi screens in the classrooms to get the message out to our students about this important event.

Planet Ark’s mantra is reduce, reuse, recycle.

One of the recycling programs they promoted was the mobile muster campaign. It is estimated there are twenty six million mobile phones in storage around homes in Australia and of these, five million are unusable. Mobile muster recycles more than 95% of a mobile phone into its component parts. Not only does this save mining for new materials but also makes new products. So far eight million mobile phones have been handed in for recycling.

It has never been easier to recycle a mobile phone.

The options include:

  • Find a drop off point to collect your phone on their website e.g., Officeworks, Telstra, Optus, local libraries etc
  • Pick up a mobile muster satchel from a post office or JB HiFi
  • Complete a form and Mobile Muster will send you a satchel

Further details is on their website.

Sue Zipfinger
Sustainability Coordinator