Go Greener

Go Greener

Biodiversity at SCEGGS

The month of September is designated as National Biodiversity Month. It celebrates connecting with nature and caring for nature in all its diversity. Biodiversity is a vital component of the environment that supports the clean air, water and other natural systems on which life depends. One of the school’s sustainability goals is to “improve the biodiversity in the school grounds”.

Over the last eighteen months, several biodiversity improvements have been made at SCEGGS. These include:

  • Introduction of a native bee hive located in the primary school vegetable garden. There are approximately 2,000 native bee species in Australia. We have the variety called Tetragonula Carbonaria which create a beautiful spiral hive. There are up to 10,000 of these tiny bees in our hive. 85% of flowers require bees to pollinate them. 
  • A bush tucker garden is located on the roof of the primary school. This has been a good source of food for solitary native bees. When the plants are in flower you can often see blue banded and teddy bear bees collecting pollen and nectar.
  • A Gadi tree (Xanthorrhoea Johnsonni) was planted by Kindergarten in March this year near the bush tucker garden.
  • On the walkway to the mathematics department, six pots with three different Australian native plants have been planted to encourage small birds and bees in to the school.
  • Near the secondary dining room, a herb garden has been planted for use by the kitchen staff.
  • At the back of the Old Girls Building native plants, grasses and reeds have been specially selected to encourage small birds and frogs.
  • Bees have excellent vision in the ultraviolet spectrum. Many small colourful annuals are planted in pots to provide food for our native bees.
  • Some of the bird species seen at the school include Lorikeets, Magpies, Kookaburras, Noisy Miners, Butcher birds and of course the Ibis. The are some seasonal birds such as Channel-billed cuckoo visiting the school.

A big thank you must go to our gardener Innes McManus for the care he takes of the gardens in the school.

Sue Zipfinger
Sustainability Coordinator