From the Chaplain

From the Chaplain

Harvest Festival                                                                 

Thank you to everyone who brought in all of the non-perishable food items for Harvest Festival this week. The Chapel was beautifully decorated, and we gave thanks, not only for all of the good things that are provided for us, but also for the opportunity to be able to give of what we have. The food will be delivered to Rough Edges Community Centre next week and will be distributed to those in great need. The number of people needing extra help has definitely risen in our local area over the last couple of years. I am amazed by the way in which the pandemic has changed many peoples lives in a very sudden and tragic way. Harvest Festival is about recognising the need of others and responding to it through action. It’s always a good way to start the year as it reminds us as to what is important as a community and encourages further initiatives throughout the year.


The SCEGGS Podcast “Walk The Mile”

Many of you would have heard about the SCEGGS podcast which started in 2020 as a result of the pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns. The need to stay connected became more evident during this time and this experiment has become something that not only creates further discussion and brings people together but also gives an insight into the school community. It’s a collection of conversations with all sorts of people about all sorts of things. Have a listen, let me know what you think and let me know if you have something you would like to talk about.

Episode 20: Beginnings and Endings of Teaching (and everything in between and after)  

This episode was recorded during lockdown in 2021 with two of our long-serving secondary school teachers, Michelle Demaine and Cheryl Collier, who both retired at the end of last year. They share their love for teaching and what has kept them in the profession for so long. They also talk about leaving it behind and what that means for them now, contemplating the retirement years. If you have ever considered some time at the front of the classroom or you are getting close to hanging up the boots, then I think you might like what they have to say. And a reminder that we are published on Spotify, Apple, Google Podcast and Deezer, so you can access it easier from your preferred device. I always welcome your feedback and appreciate your encouragement. You will find each podcast as they are produced in this newsletter and on the other platforms as well as our website.

Rev Garry Lee-Lindsay