Festival on Forbes 2024

Festival on Forbes 2024

There are just over 100 days until the Festival on Forbes!

We warmly invite everyone in the SCEGGS community to bring their families along for a wonderful day.

A highlight of the day is the Silent Auction, which is the major fundraising activity of the Fair, with funds to contribute towards the Light Her Path campaign.

The success of the Silent Auction relies heavily on the P&F securing fabulous donations from our SCEGGS community and beyond.

Donations to the Silent Auction have an enormous impact on the Festival’s success and we greatly value the generosity of everyone who contributes to the auction.

In the past, popular prizes have included holiday home vacations, restaurant vouchers, concert tickets, vacation weekends, art, luxury products, day spa packages and premium wine and champagne – just to name a few!

The Festival on Forbes Committee would love to hear from you if you wish to donate to the Auction. If you have any queries or ideas, please contact Katrina Lonergan in the Development Office or Tina Mavritsakis, the SCEGGS P&F Liaison.

Many thanks for your support.

The Festival on Forbes Committee