Drama News

Drama News

House Drama

House Drama is done and dusted for another year with Badham being the winning House!

This year’s challenge asked the girls to construct an origin story for a character from fiction. The imagination and creativity employed by the Houses was most impressive. We were engaged by thoughtful imaginings to the beginnings of Big Bird, Captain Jack Sparrow, Ursula the Sea Witch, Scooby Doo, Miss Trunchbull and E.T.


We were delighted to host actors Kate Fitzpatrick and Tom Campbell to adjudicate the 2023 House Drama festival. As always, this is a tough gig as the judges need to weigh the contributions of script, acting, elements of production, engagement, and theatricality. All Houses commenced this creative journey in Term 4 of 2022 and have been lead by a fine set of House Prefects – Sophie Davis, Eva Harris, Allegra Sintras, Scarlett Phillips, Elizabeth Lapham and Emma Juneja. I congratulate them on being fine role models and inventive practitioners.

Unfortunately there can only be one triumphant House and this saw Badham take the win with their vivid portrayal of the origins of Captain Jack Sparrow. Christian House were awarded second place for their conjuring of the life of Scooby Doo and in third place came the story of Big Bird delivered by Barton.

Beck, Docker and Langley entertained successfully too with their origin stories for Trunchbull, Ursula and E.T.

Thankyou to the House teachers and Miss Goodfellow and the Tech crew for their support of the Houses throughout this process. Bravo everyone!

Peter Eyers
Head of Drama