

Congratulations to the Primary B, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Senior B, and Senior A teams for winning their first round of ISDA debates last Friday. The first debate of the season (or indeed ever!) is always a challenge, and all teams and debaters did such a good job of preserving through. 

This week ISDA debaters will be travelling to MLC for their Round 2 debates on the topic area of ‘Politics’. The bus to MLC will leave immediately after school for all teams, so please come straight to the lawn once the bell has gone. A bus will return to SCEGGS at the conclusion of the senior debates, which is approximately 8.45pm. If you are going to take the school bus back to SCEGGS at the end of the evening, please make sure that you let me know in advance.

All debaters should also be sorted into their teams on Clipboard. Each fixture has links to season draws and host school information (as it comes) – students and parents should be able to check this when convenient to help make Friday afternoons and evenings easier.

Finally, as Monday afternoon training for Years 7-9 continues, please remember to inform me in advance of any expected absences.

Imogen Harper
Debating Coordinator