Betty Behan and Gwen Cockell English Prizes

Betty Behan and Gwen Cockell English Prizes

Invitation to Enter Speech Night Writing Prizes

Each year SCEGGS invites students in Years 7 – 10 to submit their creative fiction and poetry writing into the Betty Behan Memorial Prize for Short Story and Gwen Cockell Prize for Creative Writing (awarded for Poetry). Named in honour of an old girl and former English teacher, these prizes are awarded at Speech Night and are a wonderful way of celebrating the writing of our students. Winning entries and extracts of commended pieces of work are also published each year in the Lux magazine.

Students are invited to submit work that they have completed in class, or which they have worked on independently over the year. Each year we are thrilled to have so many entries from the talented writers at SCEGGS. The closing date for entries is Term 4 Week 2 (Friday 20 October). Students can follow the link below to read the instructions, upload their work and read winning entries from previous years here.

Jennifer Bean
Head of English