Business Manager

Business Manager

Child Protection Risk Management

Oxley College is committed to providing a safe physical, online and emotional environment, where all of our students are respected and treated with dignity in an appropriate professional and caring manner, the risk of child abuse is minimised, and a safe and supportive child safe environment is maintained.

Oxley College staff, volunteers, coaches, peripatetic tutors and other contractors hold a unique position of influence, authority, trust and power in relation to students at the College. As such, it is their duty, at all times, to maintain professional boundaries with students.

Each year in the professional development week prior to the children returning to school we hold a series of compliance and risk trainings for staff. Discussions on our policies and processes are reaffirmed and a mandatory training session comprising readings, cases studies, legal responsibilities and an online training module is delivered.

Did you know:

  • We also ask all our volunteers, coaches and peripatetic tutors to be fully trained in Child Protection and to complete the online training modules before working with your children.
  • We ensure all staff, Board Governors, coaches, peripatetic tutors and volunteers hold a current working with children check to ensure they have been cleared to work with young people.
  • We induct each trade contractor on to site and ask them to read and agree to the expectations of the College around keeping young people safe. This includes wearing a visual armband when on site to indicate they have been briefed and agree to the Child Safe Program.

We have implemented standards in accordance with the NSW Child Safe Standards and the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations as well as the NSW Safe and Supportive Environment Requirements. Those standards are below:

Standard 1: Child safety is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture

Standard 2: Children participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously

Standard 3: Families and communities are informed and involved

Standard 4: Equity is upheld and diverse needs taken into account

Standard 5: People working with children are suitable and supported

Standard 6: Processes to respond to complaints of child abuse are child focused

Standard 7: Staff are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children safe through continual education and training

Standard 8: Physical and online environments minimise the opportunity for abuse to occur

Standard 9: Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is continuously reviewed and improved

Standard 10: Policies and procedures document how the organisation is child safe

Oxley College also has child friendly policies which can also be found on our website at

Your children are precious, and we are committed to keeping them safe.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Em Cassin
Business Manager