Year 7 Study Skills Evening with Dr Prue Salter

SLIDES: To access the slides from the study skills evening, go to this link: ELES Study Skills, scroll down to the bottom of the page to the heading Year 7/8 Evening, and you will see the slides and follow-up booklet and the password is achieve.

Term and week planners are also available on the same web page ( in Section 3), along with the resources referred to in the session.

TAKE YOUR TIME: Do not try and implement or absorb everything at once. Once a week or every fortnight, sit down together and work systematically through the booklet and slides again. Each week choose what area you will focus on.

Check your action plans and tick the things each week you gave under control.

MISSED THE EVENING? Parents who could not attend can download the handout and have the option of purchasing access to a pre-recorded version of the seminar at Individual Use Licences | Dr Prue Salter.

STUDY SKILLS HANDBOOK WEBSITE: Remember too that you have access to the Study Skills Handbook website, where students can target skill development across many areas:

Go to click on login: Study Skills Handbook

Username: MSCW

Password: 93success

Click on Things to Print, and you will also find Term Planners and Weekly Planners etc. on this page.