From the Religious Education Coordinator

From the Religious Education Coordinator

This Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King; it is the last Sunday of Ordinary time, and the last Sunday of the Church’s year. It leads into Advent, which in itself is a time for us to reorient ourselves to what is truly important; that God loves us, and is with us always. This time of the year at school there is much happening both in acknowledging and celebrating 2022, as well as preparing for 2023. Year 9 celebrated their Year Mass in Community Time and Year 10 students participated in their Reflection Day. All are invited to contribute to the appeals for the various organisations that the College is supporting as we approach Advent: Vinnies Christmas Personal Packs Appeal, Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation Christmas gifts and CatholicCare: Gift of Goodness. These are ways that we can support others in a practical manner this Advent.

Miss Mary Kleist, Religious Education Coordinator

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2