From the Leader of Learning and Curriculum

From the Leader of Learning and Curriculum

Trial HSC Examinations

I wish all Year 12 students the best with their upcoming examinations, commencing this Monday (Week 3). A lot of preparation and study has been undertaken by students, including workshops during the holidays just past. Hard work and study will produce the reward of results.

Year 11 FLEX program

Year 11 students will participate in the FLEX program on Monday and Tuesday of Week 3 (1 and 2 August). The schedule and arrangement details can be accessed via Student Cloudshare. Year 11 students need only attend for workshops and can access Jarnosse for private study on these days.

Managing Overwhelm

I’ve noticed in my classes a common response from students when talking about assessments, especially class tests and examinations. Many students say, just before them “I’m stressed”. Left unchecked, it can lead to overwhelm. I often respond to students and say, “are you stressed or are feeling pressured about your performance?”

In Semester One, I challenged families to review the homework habits of their daughters. Homework, including private study, is a very practical way of managing to prevent overwhelm in students. Another is having a term planner created and pinned up. As the 6P rules says: ‘Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance‘.

I encourage all students to ensure that they have mapped out the coming term. A term planner can be found on Student Cloudshare.

If your daughter regularly indicates that she is stressed about in-class tests and examinations, this special report on School TV may be useful for understanding the surrounding psychology.





Mr Justin Hodges, Leader of Learning & Curriculum

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2