From the Leader of Learning

From the Leader of Learning

Year 11 students have now commenced with HSC courses. I have been impressed with the dedication to study shown – a great start. 

Many students making a great start by taking notes. There is actually a skill to taking notes, and below are some tips:

The ‘Top 5 Tips to Improve Your Notes’:

POINTS: Avoid long sentences and condense content into key points.

TABLES: Use tables wherever you can to create structure and make the content easier to learn.

KEY WORDS: Pull out key words and capitalise them (as shown in this list).

HIGHLIGHT: Make sure the main content stands out (but don’t go crazy with colour).

FEEDBACK: Show your notes to teachers, parents and friends so they can suggest ways to improve them.

You can learn more about making great study notes in the SUMMARISING unit of ELES Study Skills Handbook which can be accessed via the Favourites (Star) icon via COMPASS.


Mr Justin Hodges, Leader of Learning

This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #1, #2