From the Assistant Principal
Week 4 saw the return of our Years 7-11 students and with that came the familiar buzz of MSCW. The explosion of excitement as students stepped off their buses and walked into the College grounds for the first time in a very long time, was a moment to remember. It confirmed, quite clearly in my mind, that schools provide a wealth of learning opportunities separate to the classroom. Friendships, building connections and a sense of belonging continue to be one of our significant priorities here at Marist Sisters’ College Woolwich, given the challenges of this year.
As we transition back to face-to-face learning, I draw your attention to information provided via COMPASS on how to support your daughters on their return to school.
Transition back to school – Dr Michael Carr-Gregg
As Dr Michael Carr-Gregg articulates, some of our students are very excited about their return and others may be experiencing mixed emotions, which is dependent on how well they cope with stress and change. It is important to continue to encourage your daughters to focus on things they can control or enjoy, in order for them to remain motivated and ensure their sense of belonging.
The NSW Department of Education has also provided helpful tips for returning to school. I encourage all students to take the time to read the information provided.
Helpful tips for returning to high school – NSW Department of Education
Hygiene measures
Please be assured that as students transition back to the College, we are continuing to maintain high standards of hygiene on site. The following processes are in place to ensure the ongoing safety of our community:
- Each classroom has hand sanitiser, as well as antibacterial spray and wipes. Students are encouraged to sanitise their hands and wipe down their desks during lesson time
- Our cleaners continue to sanitise frequently touched surfaces daily
Once again, we encourage our students to continue to practice good hygiene and to frequently wash their hands while at school, particularly before and after eating and after going to the toilet. Likewise, students are reminded to cough and sneeze into their elbow, dispose of tissues and use alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
As a community, we will be monitoring student health and we ask that parents keep their daughters at home, even if they are slightly unwell. If students present with any signs of cold or flu-like symptoms, we will be in touch and ask that you come and collect your daughter.
Symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to colds and flu and include:
- Fever
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Tiredness
- Difficulty breathing
A reminder that if your daughter presents with these symptoms, a COVID-19 Test is required and results are to be sent to attendance ( prior to returning to school.
Ms Melinda Alvarez, Assistant Principal
This article on College life meets The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools – Charter #2, #6 & #8