13 Mar 2022

Year 8 Public Speaking Zone Finalist

On 25th February and 5th March, I had the pleasure of representing the MMCC community in the CDSA Public Speaking Competition and the Zone Finals of the competition. There were a variety of topics to select from and I chose the topic I am most passionate about which is “Small things”. The main idea of my speech was that “small things make the big things possible for us” and “The small things are bigger than we think”. 

Here is a small sample of my speech: 

We always pinpoint down the biggest details that happened in the big event in our lives. Big things always seem so important and effective. But life isn’t really about the main big event and occurrences in one’s life. Yes, we want big opportunities and we so eagerly chase the big things that we tend to forget about the small things that lead up to the big event.

We tend to overlook the small things in our lives for those are the things that make the big things happen for us. Those are the things that make us who we are and develop the world. 



Small things are a better test of character than the bigger things in our lives. Small things come every day, but big things do not. As humans, it is very easy for us to be swept away into the grand scheme of things and forget to look for the small things. The world revolves around small things and we pay little attention to them for they are the things that make the big things and accomplishments possible for us. The small things that we do are the things that one day when we are gone people will remember us by. The small things are the things that sustain us and make us who we are and our accomplishments and experiences a reality. We must pay close attention to the smallest details of the biggest events in our lives for the smallest details are bigger than we think. 

Small is the new big. Small actions make big discoveries. Small words make up our thoughts and form our opinions of the world and people. Small things grow and become more efficient over time. The little things that we overlook and ignore become some of the biggest events and discoveries in our life.  

A  small cell creates the new blessing of a new life. The pacific ocean is made up of so many small drops of water. A small single atom makes an entire element. These are all small things that are essential to life on Earth and life would be nothing without these small things.

In life, the small things are the things that make us who we are and form the biggest events and discoveries. We would not have the knowledge that we have today or have experienced and accomplished half things we have today without the small things that have helped us along the way. Take notice of the small things in your life for one day you will look back and realise that they were the most important actions and make accomplishments possible for you and make you to be who you are.

I hope that my speech on “Small things” enlightens you on the importance of the “small things” in your life and you start paying close attention to the small things and small blessings that happen every day.

Thank you to the MMCC community for all your support and my wonderful teachers for making this fantastic opportunity possible, especially one of my Year 7 teachers for encouraging and suggesting that I do debating and public speaking.

Monique Cartwright, Year 8