06 Jul 2021

Year 10 Excursion to St Joseph’s Trade School

On Tuesday 15th June, 2021, 20 Year 10 students attended an Open Day at St Joseph’s Trade School in Hinchinbrook accompanied by Ms Veselcic and Mrs Nesnas. The students were given the opportunity to explore the possible vocational education subjects that can be studied in Stage 6. The students were able to view many simulated classrooms that provide practical experiences in a real life setting. For instance, when students study Human Services they learn from a classroom that feels like a real hospital setting.

The students explored the following courses: Human Services, Early Childhood, Education & Care, Fitness, Hairdressing & Beauty and Event Management.




















“Today was a great opportunity to experience the different pathways that are offered at St Joseph’s trade school. We were guided into different classrooms that specialised in different courses and we were given lots of information about what the course involves and what jobs can be gained. I really enjoyed viewing students doing a hairdressing practical. Overall, it was a very interesting experience and I am really looking forward to attending next year”.

Revina Jebo – Year 10

For further information about courses, please visit: https://sites.google.com/syd.catholic.edu.au/stjosephtsc/home?authuser=0