17 Feb 2022

Traffic Safety in and Around the College

Please read below some very important reminders regarding traffic safety to ensure your daughter and all members of our community are kept safe:

Speed Limit

A reminder that during the times listed on the school zone signs, 40km/h speed limits apply.  We ask all parents to ensure you are vigilant with your speed and stick to the speed limit within our school zone all times. Within the College the speed limit is 10km/h.

Safe drop off 

Please observe the road and parking rules to ensure you are dropping off or picking up your daughter in the correctly marked zones. Parents are not permitted to park or stop at any time in a No Stopping Zone, particularly in Carnarvon Street as this blocks buses from entering of an afternoon which prevents our students from getting home at a reasonable time.

Pickup and Drop Off Zones 

A reminder that these zones can only be used for a quick pick up or drop off only. The following applies:

  • maximum stop time is two (2) minutes
  • driver must remain in or within a vehicle
  • vehicle must not be left unattended
  • zone applies only during hours of operation

Morning Drop Off inside the College 

The morning drop off facility is designed to provide our students with a safe and quick drop off and so we ask that the drop off is done swiftly and no one leaves their car unattended. We ask parents to move their car to the furthest point of the drop off zone to ensure as many cars as possible can come into the College ensuring traffic flow is not stopped or interrupted. When parents park their cars nearest the gates this causes traffic jams on Hamilton and Bulls Roads. Please check your mirrors when leaving to prevent any collisions and stick to the 10km/h speed limit within College grounds.

Police and Council Rangers regularly patrol the area around our College. Please ensure you observe all road and parking rules. These reminders are in place to ensure the safety of all members of our College community. We thank all parents for your continued support and care of our students. Please contact the College if you have any questions or concerns.