29 Apr 2021

Catholic Life @ MMCC

During Project Compassion 2021 students were called to live out the words of St Oscar Romero, “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” Through almsgiving students at MMCC were able to support Caritas Australia and show that as a community we can ‘be more’ by standing in solidarity with millions of people around the world. The MMCC community contributed over $3500 toward Project Compassion to allow Caritas to continue their ongoing work for the vulnerable in the world. The MMCC community answered Jesus invite to “be a light in the world, a light to others” and work together to overcome injustices that exist within society.


Lenten – Faith Formation

Year 8

Guided by Miss Ayoub and Mrs Rakecki, Year 8 looked at the Bread of Life. Through looking at the qualities of bread Year 8 were encouraged to be nourished by God during lent through prayer and the sacraments, so that you may share this source of nourishment with others.











Year 9

Guided by Mr Sacca, Year 9s Lenten faith journey helped them to explore the Theme of Water. Students came to understanding that Jesus is the living water, that satisfies and is offered for all who have faith (Ps. 63:1), “O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; my soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”











Year 10

Guided by Mrs Flanagan, Year 10 Lenten faith journey explored how students can be a light to others. Students came to understand that Jesus, as the light of the world, can lead one to a life of holiness and blessings, culminating in the resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter.














Prayer & Liturgical Life @ MMCC

Each week students at MMCC have the opportunity to nourish their faith life through engaging in prayer and the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Students are welcomed attend the following each week in the Chapel:

  • Mass – Tuesday, 8:10am
  • Divine Mercy Chaplet – Wednesday, 8:30am
  • Facetime (quiet prayer) – Wednesday, Lunch 1
  • Rosary – Friday 8:30am


Regina Coeli

During the Easter Season students at MMCC will be praying the Regina Coeli at midday, in place of the Angelus, each Day.

The Regina Coeli is a Marian prayer synonymous with the Easter Season. This prayer dates back to the sixth century, when Pope St Gregory was leading a procession through Rome, carrying an icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, reportedly created by St Luke. The procession, imploring relief from the Plague that was afflicting Europe, ended with Pope St Gregory seeing a vision of an Angel atop Castel Sant’Angelo,  singing the first three lines of what is now the Regina Coeli Prayer. History tells us that Pope St Gregory replied with the fourth line, completing the prayer. This also signalled the end of the Justinian Plague.
































JJAMM Experience 2021

St Joseph’s conference Centre, Kincumber


Caitlyn’s Reflection

This JJAMM retreat was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am extremely grateful that I was able to experience it. I was fortunate enough to be accompanied by Tracie Duong, Justice Portfolio Captain, who looked after me throughout the journey.

During the retreat, there were so many activities that opened my eyes to the endless possibilities of what I could do for my school, and what our team could bring. I realised that being a leader isn’t about what i could do by myself, but about how i could use the people around me to assist in making my school a better place. We also had night activities involving the showcasing of our gifts, talents and beliefs through dance, jingles, talent shows and protests. Personally, all these little activities composed a better mindset and a better attitude towards leadership.

Additionally, I can wholeheartedly say I have never met a better group of people who mesh so well together. The group of 20 or so people grew close within the span of a day and to the relationships that flourished truly inspired and amazed me. Seeing all their gifts and talents, how different yet how similar we could be despite being from different schools and backgrounds was truly magnificent.

Upon arriving at the retreat, i was almost certain i would leave the same way i arrived, with no open mindset and just as myself. I felt pressured to accept this retreat offer as a Vice Captain. However, I left with a completely new mindset and a group of amazing friends. Sister Jan, Karen and Nick gave us a lot of time to reflect as people and as leaders. They taught us how to lead as leaders, and not as a boss.

I would like to express my gratitude to: Mrs Pussich; for allowing me this opportunity, Sister Jan, Karen, Nick and Sister Ellen; for taking such good care of us during our time there, Tracie Duong; for her constant support and sisterhood, and Mrs Flanagan for accompanying us and organising the whole trip.

Tracie’s Reflection

JJAMM has been a life-changing experience for me. As a timid person I was not one to approach people, but in a place where there were so many like minded people, I was easily able to break out of my shell and make lifelong friends.

A notable event was listening to Guest speakers such as Sister Susan Conelly (a Sister of St Joseph’s) who has been advocating for government transparency, especially in the area of the Timor-Leste incident. Hearing such enduring stories has led me to realise my true passion in seeking justice. It was this retreat that has made me appreciate and understand Mary MacKillop’s words of “Never see a need without doing something about it.”

Finally, I can not stress enough the importance of learning about social justice initiatives. For the students reading this, the biggest lesson I’ve learnt during this experience is that it’s not about breaking a limb to do something alone, but it’s about lifting your chin up and working with others to achieve the impossible. For as Father Julian Tennison Woods had taught, “Whether we search in earth, or sky, or sea, we are everywhere met by the visions of the illimitable.“