16 May 2017

Catholic Life and Religious Education

Project Compassion 2018

Throughout lent students contributed towards the Caritas Project Compassion appeal and worked to love others . Our collective efforts have contributed to raising $4,000.00 for Caritas to support the community projects throughout the world, bringing life and God’s love to those less vulnerable. Our contributions support the mission of the Catholic Church to make a difference in this world by providing the basic needs, creating new possibilities for better lives and supporting communities as they work in solidarity and grow in resilience and hope.  Caritas Australia, through the donations of our school, and many others provides, fresh hope, providing a more secure future for families and communities.


Year 8, 9 & 10 Faith Formation Program

During Term 1 Years 8, 9 and 10 took part in the new MMCC Faith Formation program. This program is being offered in two parts through 2017 and will focus on Lent and Advent, key seasons in the liturgical year of the Catholic Church.

The theme of bread was the focus of the Year 8 Faith Formation program for Lent. Students looked at Jesus as the “Bread of Life” and the daily bread as stated in Matthew’s Gospel in the Our Father “Give us today our daily bread.” Students reflected on their own faith and how they can be nourished by God so that you may share this source of nourishment with others.

Year 9 reflected on Jesus the living water that is offered to all. This was illustrated in the story of the Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4:5-42) where she thirsted for God. Students came to realise that Jesus seeks us all, including sinners who are not even seeking Him, offering them the Gift of Living Water, offered by Jesus to satisfy us all.

Year 10 reflected on their relationship with Christ, seeing Jesus as the light of the World, the light guiding believers to the Kingdom of God and the light providing God’s saving grace. Lent is a time of new beginnings for Catholics, a time to change, transfigure and be called to a new life of holiness in Christ. Year 10 came to realise that at times we are blind, blinded by our own desires and the distractions around us, however through Christ we can see again, for Christ will shine on you. As stated in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians “You were darkness once, but now you are light in the Lord; be like children of light, for the effects of the light are seen in complete goodness and right living and truth”.

Through prayer, reflection, discussion, scripture and music the new faith formation program hopes to deepen the faith life of MMCC students and reflect on their relationship with God and others.


Year 12 Reflection Day – Be the Hope of the World

During Week 2 of Term 2 Year 12 took part in their Reflection Day at St Joseph’s Conference Centre, Bringelly. The theme of Hope was explored through the scriptures and through the suffering of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Students were challenged to recognise God as the source of hope, so they may be filled with joy and peace, so that we may overflow with hope as provided through the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13). Students were also encouraged to encounter God’s hope for us which ‘gives life a new horizon’, life so that they may live an abundant life filled with hope that can be shared with others. It is hoped the students were able to see that through their own faith they can bring hope to others, lighten their burdens, encourage them and be a source of God’s hope in the world.

Thank you to the Year 12 CLC teachers, Miss Pavisic and Ms Gagliano for their support on the day. Special thank you to Miss Bakhos and Mr Ndaira for their assistance in planning and running the day.

Mrs Flanagan, Leader of Learning – Catholic Life and Religious Education