24 Mar 2017

From the Principal

Dear members of the Mary MacKillop Catholic College community,

There has been much excitement at MMCC at present as we look to ways to assist our newly arrived families into the Fairfield and celebrate the special school that is Mary MacKillop Catholic College. I share this news with you today.


Opening of two new Catholic Intensive English Centres (CIEC)

In recent weeks Sydney Catholic Schools has been looking towards ways of meeting the needs of families who have newly arrived to our country in the Fairfield area. It has been decided that a Catholic Intensive English Centre will open at both MMCC and Patrician Brothers’ College Fairfield at the beginning of Term 2 this year.

At MMCC the centre will cater for girls of secondary school age who need intensive instruction and practice in English prior to being integrated into the mainstream classes. Specialist teachers are being employed at this time to commence immediately.

Refugee families will be able to apply for Refugee Bursaries through Sydney Catholic Schools and support will be given for some other establishment costs such as technology and uniform. It is hoped that this will assist Catholic families who have been forced to leave everything to come to a new life in Australia as they settle into their parishes and schools.

If you know of recently arrived families who have children who are in need of this support, please direct them towards MMCC or Patrician Brothers College in order to collect enrolment packages for the CIEC program.

We are committed to giving these young people the start they deserve in their new country.


Compass Program

Compass is Australia’s only religion, ethics and social values TV program which airs on the ABC on Saturday Nights at 6pm and is repeated on Sundays at 11am, with a third screening on the following Friday at 10.30 am.

MMCC has been selected to be part of a Compass series called “The Staff Room” which focuses on the life and work of teachers from three schools in NSW. Two of our teachers will be the focus, with smaller contributions by staff members, giving a picture of the work our teachers do and of the dedication of the staff to the MMCC community.

“The Staff Room” will be hosted by media commentator and education advocate Jane Caro. Jane visited our school today and interviewed some teachers. There was also some filming of events such as Adoration in the St Joseph’s Chapel and teachers in action in their classes.

If your daughter is part of a scene where the teacher is interacting directly, she will receive a form for parents to sign giving permission to use footage from that scene. If your daughter has been filmed in group shots, she will be given a form to sign once the decision has been made which footage to use.

Please be assured that if you have any concerns about your daughter being in the show, arrangements will be made to ensure your request is honoured.

I am looking forward to the series which will be shown later in the year. We have a wonderful staff whose dedication deserves to be recognised. Find out more about Compass from the link below.



Parent Group Meeting

When: Wednesday 5th of April at 6.00pm
Where: MMCC Video Conference Room

On Wednesday night the 5th of April, the first Parent Advisory Group (PAG) meeting will take place for the year. Members of the PAG assist the college in many ways such as advising and evaluating and supporting processes and structures within the College, assisting with organization of whole school celebratory events and also play an important role in gathering parent and community suggestions for further improvement.

Our PAG consists of vibrant members who are keen to make a difference. If you are new to the College community (or have newly developed an interest in joining our growing PAG community), please come along. Looking forward to seeing you there.

God bless
Mrs Narelle Archer