13 Feb 2017


Dear members of the Mary MacKillop Catholic College community,

Welcome back to MMCC for 2017. College spirit is alove and well as you will see from the events celebrated in this newsletter. On Monday the 13th of February we invited back students from Year 12 in 2016 to share with the students their wisdom, which led to such outstanding HSC results.

Below are just some of the students and their destinations this year who were recognized for their consistent efforts and growth as they go forward into their future careers as confident young women.





I also warmly congratulate Isabella Sammour who received an award for first place in the Sydney Archdiocese for Community and Family studies and Athena Yousif who was recognized for first place in the Archdiocese of Sydney for Senior Science. Wonderful achievements from all our students! I congratulate them for their efforts. They are all very special young women who I hope will take some of the essence of MMCC out into the world to make a difference.

New Staff to MMCC

We welcome to our staff this year many dynamic and eager teachers who will contribute their gifts to the great community we have at MMCC. I know you will make them welcome as they settle into the community.



Open Evening

Just as this year gets underway we are already planning for 2018. The upcoming Open Evening will be a showcase of the special opportunities available at MMCC which have led to such successes as were celebrated this week and also contribute to forming faithful young women with the confidence to go out successfully into their future.

If you have friends who may wish to find out more about our College please bring them along to join us at this event. Also, please remind them that we are enrolling this year for Year 7 2018 and Year 7 2019.

It always surprises me how quickly we are thinking of inviting the new members into the community for the following year when we are just settling into the present one.

On the following pages Mr Grana has detailed the changes to College structures and processes that have been put in place this year. I thank all the staff for their positivity and resilience as these changes have commenced. It has been a positive and life-giving start to the year for the staff and students. I look forward to working with the MMCC community throughout 2017.

God Bless

Mrs Narelle Archer
