15 Nov 2016



Welcome to the first official online Newsletter for Mary MacKillop Catholic College. It has taken us a little time to build the site and to cement our processes for this newsletter, but you will find a variety of news events shared and celebrated on this page every fortnight. You will also receive an alert via Skoolbag when a newsletter is posted.

There have been many rich events over recent weeks, which you will have been aware of from the latest news that has been uploaded on our home page. This newsletter serves to give a focus to particular events as we write about the richness of our College community.


Student Leadership

Over these last few weeks the College has seen the inauguration of the new senior student leadership team; a group of impressive young women who have been voted for by their peers and were then required to undergo a stringent interview process with executive members of myself prior to being invested into particular positions of responsibility.

The Student leadership team will share their gifts through leadership of House or Portfolios. They are led by an executive team of students who will work closely with the College Executive staff to assist us in our work of making the College a place where students can grow in leadership, confidence and resilience.

Congratulations to Katerina Ferkula Cohen for being named College Captain and Erin Zappia who is College Vice Captain for 2017.

The tables below indicate the successful students in the various leadership positions. There has been such an interest in leadership that many more students have nominated to be committee members for the portfolios. I look forward to seeing more of our students take the step towards building their leadership around the College as we travel through 2017.


College Captain 2017 Katarina Ferkula-Cohen
Vice Captain 2017 Erin Zappia
House Captain Michelle Faga House Vice Captain Krystina Sammour
Arena House Captain Jessica Fleifel Arena Vice Captain Mya Tran
Crosio House Captain Tenille Delechitra Crosio Vice Captain Anja Yousif
Goolagong House Captain Brenda Rojas Goolagong Vice Captain Dana Odish
Henderson House Captain Emily Jukic Henderson Vice Captain Carmelina Alvaro
McCormack House Captain Madalina Matti McCormack Vice Captain Anne-Maree Pezzano
O’Shane House Captain  anisha Balgos McCormack Vice Captain Linh Nguyen
Portfolio Captain Chloe Krtovski Portfolio Vice Captain Casey Martin
Wellbeing Captain Valentina Yousif Wellbeing Vice Captain Alyssa Alzamora
Culture Captain Amy Toma Culture Vice Captain Elissa All
Justice Captain Eilish Sweeney Justice Vice Captain Alyssa-Maree Mammoliti
Faith Captain Lana Balqa Faith Vice Captain Evelin Tamar-Agar
Learning Captain Vivian Vuu Learning Vice Captain Lord Balqa


The first leadership role the team undertook was to work with the visiting Year 4 and Year 5 students from our feeder schools as they visited last week. Mr Grana has shared the success of this in this newsletter. This was quickly followed by the students accompanying various teachers to Remembrance Day ceremonies last Friday.

I am very proud of these young ambassadors for the College and look forward to working closely with them.

God Bless

Narelle Archer
