09 Jun 2017

From the Assistant Principal

Ongoing Participation in Extra-Curricular Opportunities

At Mary MacKillop Catholic College we strive to ensure we develop strong and confident Mary MacKillop women both through learning, faith and extra –curricular opportunities. This term continues to showcase great talent amongst our girls. I congratulate all of our students who have participated in the following events:

JJAMM Reunion, Vinnies Van, Mock Trial, Youth Mental Health Conference, SCC Cross Country, Archbishops Meeting with Senior Leaders, Handball Gala Day, CaSPA Creative Dance, SCC dance, Futsal Indoor Soccer, SCC Sport, House Cheerleading, Fundraising and Charity Events

These are some of the many events and opportunities that we have been able to provide your daughters this term thus far. We encourage all of our girls to continue to embrace the opportunities given to them.


Learning Focus – Year 11 Exam Study Nights

Congratulations to Year 11 students for your wonderful turnout at the recent Year 11 Study Twilight sessions in the IMC, just before your recent examinations.

Below are some great examples of our learning culture based on growing together through high expectations and a growth mindset approach in action.

In all of the above pictures, you see teachers and students and students and students working together supporting their learning growth.


Parking and Road Safety      

It has come to the College’s attention in recent weeks that there have been some unsafe situations that have been reported regarding parents dropping off or picking up students on nearby streets around the College.

As a result please read below some very important reminders regarding traffic safety to ensure your daughter and all members of our community are kept safe:                     


A reminder that during the times listed on the school zone signs, 40km/h speed limits apply.  We ask all parents to ensure you are vigilant with your speed and stick to the speed limit within our school zone all times.


Please observe the road and parking rules to ensure you are dropping off or picking up your daughter in the correctly marked zones. Parents are not permitted to park or stop at any time in a No Stopping Zone. Particularly in Carnarvon Street as this blocks buses from entering of an afternoon preventing our students from getting home at a reasonable time.


A reminder that these zones can only be used for a quick pick up or drop off only. The following applies:

  • maximum stop time is two (2) minutes
  • driver must remain in or within a vehicle
  • vehicle must not be left unattended
  • zone applies only during hours of operation

Morning Drop Off inside the College – We ask parents to move their car to the furthest point of the drop off zone to ensure as many cars as possible can come into the College ensuring traffic flow is not stopped or interrupted. When parents park their cars nearest the gates this causes traffic jams on Hamilton and Bulls roads. Please also check your mirrors when leaving to prevent any collisions and stick to the 10km/h speed limit within College grounds.

Police and Council Rangers regularly patrol the area around our College. Please ensure you observe all road and parking rules. These reminders are in place to ensure the safety of all members of our College community. We thank all parents for your continued support and care of our students. Please contact the College if you have any questions or concerns.


Recent Cold Weather and Uniform 

As the weather gets colder, sometimes additions or variations of the uniform begin to creep in.  We have great facilities that provide heating for our students whilst in class. When the weather is extreme we ensure your daughters are kept safe and warm in our corridors.

Therefore, I remind parents of our policy with our Winter Uniform:

  • Blazers must be worn to and from the College everyday (except Thursdays)
  • Jumpers are an optional item and encouraged to be worn on cold days.
  • Stockings/tights – Must be grey and worn everyday.
  • Sports Jacket must be worn over the top of the jumper on a Thursday.
  • The sport jacket is only for Thursday Sport or a PDHPE lesson

If students are still cold, we encourage as per our policy for them to wear neutral/white undergarments such as a spencer.

A few students have decided to wear extra jumpers and jackets under their uniform. These are not permitted and unnecessary and therefore will be removed and confiscated.

Blankets are also a trip hazard and therefore not allowed at the College.

I thank you for your continued support in ensuring your daughters are dressed and groomed to our College’s high standards 


Years 7-10 Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews

The Importance of Feedback for Growing Together

The upcoming Years 7-10 Parent-Teacher-Student interviews are a compulsory event for all parents and students, the questions is why?

The answer is simple. The research is very clear regarding the importance of feedback for your daughters to continue growing as learners and also as confident and strong Mary MacKillop Women.

Below are some important reasons for this:

  • The interview is focused on your daughter’s strengths and learning areas that need to be improved up
  • student improvement in learning requires parents as partners. Without this partnership, the time spent at home may not necessarily be productive if parents are not aware of their daughters learning needs.
  • Extra support may be identified through a conversation with teachers and the College. Parents know their daughters best and your input is vital to this.

I thank Miss Israel for her work in preparing our College Community for this very important partnership event. Please refer to the Newsletter article, Skoolbag announcement and Google Classroom announcements that detail the dates and access procedures for our Parent-Teacher-Student interview booking portal.


Bus Timetable Changes – Effective Tuesday 13th June 2017

Please note that we have sent the new Bus Timetable changes effective Tuesday 13th June through SkoolBag and Google Classroom, paper copies are also available from Student Services.

I leave you with my inspirational quote that focuses on parent involvement in supporting the College’s theme of Growing Together through a Growth Mindset Approach.



Thank you for your continued partnership in Forming Young Women Called to Life to Make a Difference in the World.

Pablo Grana, Assistant Principal