07 Aug 2021

IMC Library Update – Mrs Devine

While current Covid restrictions and stay at home health orders may mean we can’t welcome you back into the library just yet… we would like to remind you all of the wonderful online library features that you can access at home during remote learning.

Connecting to our school library is easy through Compass and it will provide you with a range of helpful options whether you are researching a specific topic or just reading for pleasure.

Through the FIND option on the library homepage, you can access research tools such as Britannica School and explore amazing audio visual material through Clickview.

To help beat the boredom during lockdown, why not look through the many titles on offer through the SORA online reading platform?  It is easy to access and the books are delivered straight to your device.

Just go to the READ option on the library homepage and find the link to ebooks. Don’t worry if you have forgotten how to borrow online, there is a helpful video tutorial that will show you what to do.


Also, a reminder to those students completing the Premier’s Reading Challenge, the competition closes on the 20th August so make sure you are getting through those titles. The books for the PRC can also be accessed through SORA.

For everyone else completing the Winter Reading Challenge, it is still running until Week 10. So make sure you are aiming to reach your reading goal. Don’t worry that you don’t have your booklets with you, just make a note of what you have read in your diary and we can adjust your booklets when you return to school.


Remember, don’t worry if you have an overdue library book. All overdue books can be returned once we are back at school. We want you to stay home and stay safe!