03 Jun 2021

Religious Education News – Mrs Flanagan

Australian Catholics Young Voices Awards

Year 8 and 9 Newman classes have submitted entries for this year’s Young Voices Awards, run by Australian Catholics. The Australian Catholics Young Voices Awards is an opportunity for Mary MacKillop Catholic College students to have a voice. Drawn from their ability to dream of a better world, and the passion to inspire change, Year 8 and 9 Newman Students have undertaken research to develop responses in order to make a difference in the world.

Below is a poem created by Fuatino Luamanuvea, Natasha Del Rio, Rita Jebo and Sophie Nguyen from Year 9.

Marginalisation in Australia
What is happening in our country?
Do you even care?
Well let me educate you!
So you can be aware!
The indigenous in our country are currently being violated
Basic human rights, decent treatment are totally not protected!
97% experiencing racism,
Is this what you want for our country’s first inhabitants?
So what can you do,
To put this to a stop?
Well first of all,
Watch out for the way you talk!
Educate yourself,
Then the ones around you
Being inclusive and understanding,
Is all you need to do!
1 Corinthians 12:12: “We are one body, with many members”
Is what we need to think about, keep in mind and remember
Including our indigenous, to learn about their gifts,
Which can help us to understand, what being human really is.
With our gifts brought together,
We can be united as one.
Working towards an inclusive future,
Where discrimination is done.


Y-Factor (Annual Archdiocesan Youth Camp at Benedict XVI Retreat Centre) on 5th – 8th July:


This is a great opportunity open to ALL STUDENTS (Years 7-12) where you can participate in prayer, games, activities, talks and discussion. It is a fantastic opportunity to grow in your faith and relationship with God.

A reminder that this is organised by Sydney Catholic Youth, and is NOT a School Excursion. You will need parental consent to attend this Event.

Please see the posters and Mr Samuel for further details.

























Our Lady of the Rosary Event – Fatima