Year 9/10 Business Studies Excursion to Sydney Central YHA

Year 9/10 Business Studies Excursion to Sydney Central YHA

During Term 3, the Year 9 and 10 Business Studies accelerated students were given the opportunity to travel to Sydney Central Youth Hostel, which is part of YHA Australia – a youth hostelling association. YHA Australia is a member association of Hostelling International.

The Business Studies course is based on studying actual businesses, so we were fortunate to be able to visit Sydney Central YHA to find out more about how the business operates. The excursion was closely linked to the topics that are covered in the Human Resources and Marketing components of the Business Studies syllabus, to assist us with case studies that we will be required to include in our essays for the HSC. The information gathered was rather interesting, especially when it came to the way that they operated.

Although Ms Jerrems wasn’t able to navigate us to the YHA, the students were able to guide her towards the building and we were able to arrive there on time. Upon arrival, we were given a quick tour of the building and were able to see the facilities being used first hand by customers. The Manager, Sam Badans, gave us an informative presentation which gave us the answers to the majority of the questions we needed to ask and he was even nice enough to let us ask lots of questions. All the answers to the questions were extremely helpful and informative.

We wished the excursion lasted for the whole day; unfortunately, we arrived back at school during Period 3. The excursion was extremely beneficial to our education and we enjoyed ourselves very much.

We would like to thank Sam Badans, the manager of Sydney Central YHA, for allowing us this great opportunity.

Chelsea Hoang and Manit Anand, Year 9 and Ms Jerrems