Year 10 Work Experience

Year 10 Work Experience

A big “Congratulations” to this year’s Year 10 for their amazing commitment to undertaking Work Experience in 2018. This year we have easily doubled the number of students doing work experience placements, and some students have completed more than one placement. Particularly pleasing, too, has been the feedback from employers. On several occasions the Fort Street students have been involved in doing research, preparing reports and giving presentations, and each time other members of the teams have assumed the Fortians were university interns or new recruits, not high school students just popping in for a week. A big “thank you” to Year 10 Adviser Rodney Carritt for being so supportive of the program and allowing students to report back from their work placements at Year 10 meetings throughout the year to share their experiences and encourage others to undertake work experience too.


Kylie Salisbury – Careers