UNSW Experimental Mayhem Unit (EMU) Robotics

UNSW Experimental Mayhem Unit (EMU) Robotics

The FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team 4729 EMU Robotics participated in the FRC Southern Cross Regional at Wollongong from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th of March. The range of skills gained through EMU Robotics have enabled the team to place 11th of 37 teams, and advance into the 5th alliance during playoffs. 

Robotics at the Experimental Mayhem Unit

Being sponsored by UNSW and Rockwell Automation, meetings occur at the Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications Building at UNSW, with qualified mentors and supervisors. Robotics at EMU gives students a direct communication link to people in the STEM field. Most robotics mentors study engineering and computer science at UNSW, passing on their experiences to students in the team. EMU Robotics enables students to learn coding skills, CAD software and experience hands-on mechanical work. Going to a robotics competition allows team members to connect with other students from different teams who have a diverse set of goals and ideas for the future. EMU Robotics offers different teams for students of different ages where skills are learnt and built upon. 

FIRST Robotics Competition Team (4729)

Years: 9 – 12 (ages 14-18, younger by invite only)

The aim of this competition is to build a robot that is able to complete a set of challenges outlined by the year’s specific game. Members of this team learn computer science by using the Java programming language to code the robot’s operation. Knowledge of CAD software such as Fusion 360 is taught to keen design students, allowing creative ideas to be visualised and rendered. Mechanical skills are gained, as students are encouraged to bring ideas to life by prototyping and testing. By being a member of EMU Robotics 4729, students develop their leadership qualities and learn how to collaborate effectively.

FIRST Lego League Team

Years: 5 – 9 (ages 10-15)

Young students are encouraged to step into the world of STEM by participating in the FLL competition which involves learning the Python programming language to code Lego robots. Students also create an Innovation Project where they research world problems, aiming to provide creative solutions.

FIRST Lego League Junior (EMU Chicks)

Years: 1 – 4 (ages 6-10)

EMU Chicks are for creative youngsters who enjoy playing with Lego. Participants use Lego Wedo to complete simple challenges, introducing them to programming and creating movement in their display. It is a great place to keep younger siblings of other team members occupied and learning while other sessions run.

If you’re interested in joining UNSW EMU Robotics, please fill in the Expression of Interest Form. We hope to see some new faces and look out for our open night sometime in May.

Contact us via unswfrc@gmail.com