Superstars of STEM series

Superstars of STEM series

You are invited to join four Superstars for a webinar on Tuesday 11th May (6-7pm) exploring where an interest in Engineering could lead you.
In the penultimate session of our ‘Superstars of STEM’ series, you’ll hear from panelists who work in very different fields and have worked in a range of industries.
They will talk about what they do, how they got to where they are today, how you could follow in their footsteps or blaze your own trail.
Then they will answer your questions.
Our panelist for this session are:
Carolyn Thomas – Mining and environmental engineer
Carolyn has worked in the oil and gas industry ensuring regulatory approvals are in place to operate offshore platforms. She has managed safety and environmental issues of subsea production systems. Her various engineering roles have included environment, facilities surveillance, pipelines, metering, safety cases and risk assessment.
Associate Professor Kate Fox – Biomedical engineer
Kate uses 3D printing to make new medical implants. She is investigating new materials, like diamond, to make implants fit better with bone. She also worked on developing the bionic eye.
Dr Beena Ahmed – Electrical engineer
Beena works at the crossroads of health and technology, applying machine learning algorithms on this data to improve our lives. These algorithms can warn us if we are at risk of dementia or insomnia, give us feedback on whether we are doing our speech therapy or language learning exercises correctly, and help us regulate our stress levels.
Kate Cole – Certified occupational hygienist​
Kate works with businesses to prevent illness and disease in the thousands of workers in industries including construction, tunnelling, demolition, and contaminated land remediation. By creating streamlined processes that help business protect their workers, her work has positively impacted the infrastructure sector through increasing the focus on the “health” in “health and safety”.
Follow the links for more information about each Superstar’s amazing career and to register for the event. 
Follow each link below to learn more about the final two webinars in the series and to register for the each event:​
How many different types of engineers are there?                           Tuesday 11 May 6pm AEST
Note: You need to register for each session to receive the log in information.​​