On Monday 6 March Year 7 and 9 students will be doing familiarisation practice to prepare for their upcoming NAPLAN Tests. Students will use school computers with the NAPLAN lockdown browser installed and will need to bring earbuds or headphones. Students will have one period to familiarise themselves with the site and types of questions.

Students can gain further familiarity with the different item types and tools in the NAPLAN test from home by accessing

Year 7 and 9 students will sit for the annual NAPLAN tests in weeks 8 and 9, commencing on Wednesday 15 March. There will be no NAPLAN tasks scheduled for Friday 17 March, due to IMP camp. Students will complete the tests online on the school computers and will need to bring headphones or earbuds with them on the day. Please note that wireless headphones/ear buds (e.g. air pods) are not suitable.

The NAPLAN schedule has been emailed to families.

Students will attend normal classes every day and should bring the necessary books and equipment with them for those lessons. Don’t forget to bring a earbuds or headphones for the task. Students will only miss the class on during the scheduled times for each test.

Students who miss a test on Wednesday – Tuesday through illness or other absence will have the opportunity to complete a catch up task on their return to school during week 9.

Further information about NAPLAN can be found on the NAPLAN website.