Michael Kirby returns to the Fort

Michael Kirby returns to the Fort

Michael Kirby returned to Fort Street High School on Friday July 26. He addressed a full school assembly as well as running other smaller workshops with Year 12 Legal Studies students, Amnesty Club members and Year 11 Legal Studies students. Michael spoke about the importance of using the legal system and law reform as a method of achieving justice for all. He gave examples of challenging laws that restrict human rights. He cited activism with which he was involved in Walgett in the 1960s that challenged separate designated seating in cinemas for Aboriginal Australian and Anglo Australians. He spoke of the importance of using the legal system to address discrimination. He also spoke of the importance of valuing diversity in society, including within the legal fraternity. Michael’s role as patron of the Asian Australian Lawyers Association is a demonstration of his attempts to promote and facilitate Asian cultural diversity in all ranks of the legal profession. We look forward to Michael’s return to the Fort.

Rodney Carritt