IMP News

IMP News

IMP students perform at the Sydney Town Hall

On Monday 22 May, over 100 Fortians performed at the magnificent Sydney Town Hall as part of In Concert – a secondary choral festival run by The Arts Unit of the NSW Department of Education.

Fortians performed as part of the combined secondary choir, the NSW Public Schools Symphony Orchestra, the NSW Public Schools Singers and the NSW Public Schools Symphonic Wind Ensemble.

The concert opened with excerpts from Orff’s Carmina Burana, and also included new works by Australian composers, parts of Holst’s The Planets, as well as Mozart’s Ave Verum performed with the Grand Organ. In a night of highlights, the orchestra and combined choir were thrilled to perform several songs alongside the renowned singer-songwriter Kate Miller-Heidke.

Congratulations to all our Fortians on a stellar performance.

More exciting news for Clara Moloney…

In our last edition of Mercurius we reported that Clara Moloney, an IMP cellist from Year 9, has been selected as one of 2 junior finalists in the NSW Secondary Schools Concerto Competition.

In addition to this, Clara has been chosen to perform a solo on the Opera House stage at the Jacaranda Concert as part of the NSW Department of Education’s Festival of Instrumental Music. She has also been accepted into the Australian Chamber Orchestra Academy in July. This will involve a week of intensive workshop where participants are coached and mentored by ACO musicians. Congratulations Clara and we wish you all the best for these exciting endeavours.